Frequently Asked Questions
Who are you and why do you exist?
Fayakunu is a Community Interest Company and our aim as an art studio is to facilitate the teaching and support of Ethnic art and design. Fayakunu was nominated as “21 for 21 Bradford” as recognition of our cultural impact towards the “Bradford Culture is our plan” bid.
We are a consortium of artists and experts in Cultural and Islamic arts and we endeavour to support upcoming creators to unlock their hidden talents in woodworking, ceramics and a number of other crafts; especially those from BAME communities.
The Black and Asian minorities are under-supported in the arts and we want these communities to have better chances of excelling in Art and STEM sciences. We are here to bring ethnic art, design and science together and reconnect these communities with their heritage.
What kinds of art does Fayakunu facilitate?
• Ceramic clay art - throwing and hand-building techniques
• Quranic Illumination Courses
• Woodworking courses including woodturning
• Ceramic fibre and resin casting
• Jesmonite casting
• Islamic Geometry
• Asian furniture-making techniques
What else do we offer to the community?
• Study Hassan ibn al-Haytham & the pinhole camera.
• Studies on the lives of Islamic figures in science.
• Ethnic & Vernacular building techniques.
• Experiment with new materials events.
• Artistic installations & commissions.
What are your facilities like?
We are currently under construction and renovation of an old derelict space we are repurposing for Bradford. We have over 130sqm of space in which we will host the wood workshop and the clay workshops; with weekly open access to members. The plan is to house hand tools, some lathes and other electric tools in the workshop, some of which have been acquired.
The ceramics area will house the clay tools but we hope to expand and acquire electric potters wheels. We are currently building our own wood-fired kiln to get us up and running and will host community gatherings (with food and drink, of course) as we undergo up to 3-day long firings! We have a large outdoor area for the public to drop by and enjoy.
What are Fayakunu’s aims in the community?
• Facilitate art to Bradford.
• Support the community to engage in the arts.
• Educate and celebrate ethnic art & culture.
• Support the ethnic community in reclaiming its heritage.
• Support upcoming artists to hone in on their talents.
• Support new artists from minority backgrounds to develop their craft into a social enterprise.
• Develop a unique Islamic & Ethnic hub for Art in Bradford.
Do you offer support/discounts on courses?
We firmly believe in supporting those from harder hit backgrounds to take part, so we have designed a subsidies program to grant level access to all. Refugees and disabled users among others will have discounts on courses, materials and even access to our online selling platform… so they keep more of what they earn.
How is Fayakunu funded?
Fayakunu has received initial grants of £4000 from Bradford Council to aid in the clear-up and the Leap has funded £8000 towards some of the renovations. This funding has been our lifeline in getting this far but now we are seeking funders to invest in our mission and community. Wickes has supplied Fayakunu with £600 worth of free plywood and timber for our project. We are so incredibly grateful to have received this support and are excited to meet more terrific people who which to see Bradford grow. Our Crowdfunding page will be going live soon!
If you wish to get involved and be a part of our community get in touch or head over to our crowdfunding platform.
Alternatively, you can follow us on YouTube and Instagram. Help us reach more by liking and sharing our content with your friends and family.
Can the skills learned from Fayakunu enable an artist to make a living?
Skills we teach in art, cover not only the artistic applications but the real-world application. For example, skills learned in ceramics casting can be transferred to the automotive industry as carbon fibre casting or fibreglass productions.
Why is artwork important?
Art work on an individual level, allows the practitioner to hone in on fine motor skills, accentuated senses and engage the creative lobes of the brain. There have been numerous studies documenting the improvement of cognitive function, mood enhancement and improved self esteem. It also serves as a device for social integration and cohesion; at Fayakunu we have engineered the programs to bridge gaps between culture, age and ability, for all to benefit.
What is special about Islamic art?
Islamic Art shies from typical iconic or symbolic depictions but instead focuses on infinite patterns. The art mirrors the realm of the divine by dazzling the viewer with a web of intricate geometric patterns, representing the interconnectivity of all creation to the divine, each line like a thread woven in a cosmic carpet. From close, the work may seem chaotic but from afar it reveals the true nature of its being, thus reflecting the world we live in.
“There is a story which Jalaluddin Rumi tells of an ant that’s creeping across a Persian carpet in a mosque, and the ant complains to God, saying: ‘What is this, these bumps, and strange colours and patterns; this must have been created just as a meaningless obstacle course! What a futile thing to have made.’ But of course the carpet maker, looking at it from above can see the patterns and the purpose of it, and can see that the whole thing is perfect and good. And Allah is also like that. We often can’t make sense of misfortunes because we are two dimensional, we are at ground level, we can’t see what it all means that this is a manifestation of Allah’s will which is always good and always perfect and always beautiful.”